Mugabe and Zuma– Agreed to retire @100

The embattled presidents spoke at the opening of a Bi-National Commission, where President Jacob Zuma appeared fresh from the #StateCaptureReport.
President Jacob Zuma and his Zimbabwean counterpart, Robert Mugabe, are both facing growing calls for them to step down. But they actually comfort each other and agreed to set an African World record.

Fresh from the #StateCaptureReport (which he studiously avoided any mention of) President Jacob Zuma bravely affirmed: “Not all is gloom and doom.”
He was speaking at the opening of a Bi-National Commission in Zimbabwe. Established on April 8 2015, the commission was set up to steer bilateral relations between the neighbouring countries, while seeking ways to promote and enhance co-operation in various sectors within the two governments.
State media have welcomed the commission, saying it would “herald a new chapter” in relations between the two countries, despite Zimbabwe’s worsening economic crisis and what are widely seen as investor-unfriendly conditions..
Here are some key points from a fairly lacklustre speech:
    “Our region has been hard-hit by El Nino,” Zuma said. He said the drought had “eroded decades of hard-won developmental gains, putting great strain on the fiscus of most governments.” No word on how corruption might have also imposed a strain.
    We’re pleased about the appointment of a new UN secretary-general
    And the fact that the new BRICS development bank is establishing its Africa regional centre in Johannesburg.  Old news.
    President Robert Mugabe’s time as chair of the AU in 2015 was very positive
    Said Zuma: “Your contribution as chair of the post ...  has put the region and the continent on a different platform of economic and political stability.” Excuse me?
    Zuma went even further, saying Zimbabwe had been “instrumental towards realising the dream of a prosperous African continent.
    We need to focus on economic co-operation
    If so, why didn’t a business forum bringing together representatives from Zimbabwe and South Africa manage to make it today? Zuma did not mention this but Mugabe was clearly disappointed.
    Business communities “stand ready to play their part” in deepening co-operation between South Africa and Zimbabwe
    This is where the speech gets interesting. Zuma said the business communities would play their part if the governments “create conducive environments for ease of doing business”.
    OK, so he didn’t mention bond notes, the SI 64 of 2016 ban on many SA imports and indigenisation. In fact Zuma went straight on to point to the need for a one-stop border post at Beitbridge, a recurring topic in these talks.  But he said the need for conducive environments was “not limited” to that. He also made a fleeting reference to “policy certainty”. Was this a friendly bit of brother-to-brother advice in the light of Zimbabwe’s looming economic meltdown?
‘We need each other’ more than ever
Speaking at the opening earlier, a clearly-shaky Mugabe has told Zuma: “We are happy you are still in one piece in spite of what the papers are writing every day.”

The 92-year-old leader went on to say: “Comrade president, we need each other even more now than before.”

We need to retire at hundred, for the sake of our people. Mugabe added

Despite the fact that, Both leaders are facing growing calls for them to step down,

 Mugabe from  #ThisFlag protesters


Zuma in the wake of the  #StateCaptureReport.

Mugabe, who has been in power since 1980, said Zimbabwe and South Africa “face renewed assaults on our independence and sovereignty”.
There have been concerns over the Zimbabwean president’s health for a long time. During his speech, his voice was much weaker voice than normal and he hesitated at times.
Following a couple of embarrassing stumbles in public in recent months, cameras from the state broadcaster resolutely refuse to focus on the nonagenarian as he walks to a podium to give a speech. Thursday was no different, with the cameras fixed on the seated audience.
Meanwhile, News reported on Thursday that Zimbabwe’s foreign affairs minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi has pleaded with South African entrepreneurs to start joint ventures with locals to save the country from de-industrialisation that could have contagion effects in the region.
“It is self-evident that de-industrialising Zimbabwe is not an attractive and viable partner for South Africa or indeed for any other country. A de-industrialising Zimbabwe also eliminates the country from fully partaking in and contriburting to the SADC industrialisation strategy and roadmap,” Mumbengegwi was quoted as saying.


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